Ojstica House
Franc Plesnik, s. p.
Logarska dolina 13a
3335 Solčava
03/ 838 90 51,
041 664 455, 031 565 229
03/ 838 92 52
Bank account
SI56 1966 0500 9979 061
SWIFT: SZKBSI2X Deželna banka Slovenije d.d. Kolodvorska ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana
How to reach us by car?
Direction: Ljubljana – Logarska dolina
- Take the motorway from Ljubljana in the direction of Celje/Maribor. At the Šentrupert exit, turn off the motorway towards Mozirje, and you will also be directed by signs for the Logarska dolina valley.
- Take the main road through Mozirje, Ljubno ob Savinji, Luče ob Savinji, Solčava to the Logarska dolina.
Direction: Maribor/Celje – Logarska dolina
- Take the motorway from Maribor or Celje towards Ljubljana.
At the Šentrupert exit, turn off the motorway towards Mozirje, and you will also be directed by signs for the Logarska dolina. - Take the main road through Mozirje, Ljubno ob Savinji, Luče ob Savinji, Solčava to the Logarska dolina.
How to get here by public transport?
You can find the timetables of Slovenian bus companies at the following links: